Whether you want your kids to transfer those imaginations into an artful skill or you want to learn yourself, look no further!

Imagination Station
Sometimes we don't realize the power of our imaginations until we put it on paper! So join us in the Imagination Station and let's start with the basics and what you'll discover is a symposium of ideas just itching to get out. Whether it's drawing a panda in 100 ways or creating a map of dreams, we're heading to infinity and beyond!

Unleash Your Inner Superhero
Superheroes come in all shapes and sizes, and only you can describe your superhero down to every last detail, so let's bring it to life and create a superhero story to remember, and one to call your very own!
Whether it's a SuperEllie the Elephant that saves the world by cleaning up the streets of litter and goop with her trunk, to keep our climate clean, or SuperRoar the Lion that teaches us to be brave from the inside, out --- the possibilities and endless and we're here to make them a picture book reality!

Caricatures 101

Caricatures 101
Ever wonder what you would look like as a caricature cartoon? Sure, you can type it into AI and they can shoot out a digitally modified image for you, but why not learn how to turn any face you see into a quick snapshot caricature and make the world that we live in, just a little more funtubulous!